Implicits are a very important feature in Scala, they are used basically in 2 main ways:
- implicit parameters
- implicit conversions
The implicit conversions are very useful in some cases, however not too interesting for what I’m going to talk about so I will focus only on implicit parameters here, this is an interesting article about them
Implicit Parameters
This is what is interesting for us because implicit parameters are heavily used to do TLP in Scala, so we need to understand how they work.
The basic idea of implicit parameters is simple, we declare a function that takes an implicit parameter and if there is a unique valid implicit instance available in the scope, the function will take it automatically and we won’t need to pass it explicitly.
implicit val value = 3
def foo(implicit i: Int) = println(i)
This will print 3, nothing interesting so far, this technique is mostly used when we need some kind of context, a typical example is the ExecutionContext
that we need when we use Future
for instance is defined in this way: def map[S](f: T => S)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[S]
Let’s go now into the interesting part, implicits parameters are resolved also when we add type parameters:
trait Printer[T] {
def print(t: T): String
implicit val sp: Printer[Int] = new Printer[Int] {
def print(i :Int) = i.toString
def foo[T](t: T)(implicit p: Printer[T]) = p.print(t)
val res = foo(3)
// val res = foo(false)
println(s"res: ${res}")
From this example wee see that the compiler is able to resolve implicits even when there are type parameters, and indeed foo(3)
will work properly, while for instance foo(true)
won’t compile because there isn’t an instance of Printer[Boolean]
available in scope, note that we don’t need to specify the type of T
, thanks to the type inference the compiler is able to figure it out, and look for the appropriate Printer
An important thing to remember is that the compiler, when looking for an implicit for a certain type, Printer
in the example, will look automatically in his companion object, so we can rewrite this example in this way:
trait Printer[T] {
def print(t: T): String
object Printer {
implicit val sp: Printer[Int] = new Printer[Int] {
def print(i :Int) = i.toString
An interesting thing is that the resolution works even if not all the type parameters are known:
trait Resolver[T, R] {
def resolve(t: T): R
object Resolver {
implicit val ib: Resolver[Int, Boolean] = new Resolver[Int, Boolean] {
def resolve(i :Int): Boolean = i > 1
implicit val sd: Resolver[String, Double] = new Resolver[String, Double] {
def resolve(i :String): Double = i.length.toDouble
def foo[T, R](t: T)(implicit p: Resolver[T, R]): R = p.resolve(t)
val res1: Boolean = foo(3)
val res2: Double = foo("ciao")
As we can see, the function foo
now takes two types parameters,T
and R
, but only T
is extracted from the parameter t
that we pass, R
is instead computed from the implicit resolution, and then we can use it as return type, res1
and res2
have indeed two different types, depending on the input that we passed. Using implicits here we have been able to do something similar to what we did before with Abstract Types, and we can do much more when we combine this techniques together as we will see later.
Type Classes
Now that we know how to use type parameters and implicits together we can give to this a name, this technique is called Type Classes, it is the way Polymorphism is implemented in Haskell, we can encode them in Scala as well, the most common way to do it is basically what we did before, an abstract type that takes one type parameter
trait Printer[T] { ... }
and different implicit implementations in the companion object, there are however other ways to encode them, it’s worth to mention:
- Simulacrum The main goal is to avoid encoding inconsistencies using macros
- Scato The main goal is to avoid inheritance to encode the hierarchy of the classes using instead natural transformations
I’m not going to explain them however here, there is a lot of great material around.
Demystifying Implicits and Typeclasses in Scala
The Neophyte’s Guide to Scala Part 12: Type Classes
Multi-step Resolution
Another important aspect about implicits is that the resolution doesn’t stop at the first level, we can have implicits that are generated taking implicit parameters themselves, and this can go on until the compiler finds a stable implicit value,
this is a very good way to kill the compiler!
trait Printer[T] {
def print(t: T): String
object Printer {
implicit val intPrinter: Printer[Int] = new Printer[Int] {
def print(i: Int) = s"$i: Int"
implicit def optionPrinter[V](implicit pv: Printer[V]): Printer[Option[V]] =
new Printer[Option[V]] {
def print(ov: Option[V]) = ov match {
case None => "None"
case Some(v) => s"Option[${pv.print(v)}]"
implicit def listPrinter[V](implicit pv: Printer[V]): Printer[List[V]] =
new Printer[List[V]] {
def print(ov: List[V]) = ov match {
case Nil => "Nil"
case l: List[V] => s"List[${", ")}]"
def print[T](t: T)(implicit p: Printer[T]) = p.print(t)
val res = print(Option(List(1, 3, 6)))
println(s"res: ${res}")
// res: Option[List[1: Int, 3: Int, 6: Int]]
Let’s look a this example to understand how this works, first we defined intPrinter
which is an implicit val
similar to the ones in the previous examples, now we go to the interesting ones, optionPrinter
and listPrinter
are not printer for a specific type likeInt
, they are printer for containers type, Option
and List
, which both take a type parameter. (when a type take type parameters like List[T]
is also called type constructor)
In these cases we can define the implicit for them as def
instead of val
and we add a type parameter V
, we resolve implicitly the printer for the type V
that we use to print the content of our containers, and the compiler we’ll go on resolving the implicits until it finds an implicit val
that stops the resolution.
Let us see what happens when we call print(Option(List(1, 3, 6)))
in this example:
- the first type to be resolve is
, so we getoptionPrinter
and in this case
V = List
- the compiler then will look for a Printer[List] and resolves
and now we haveV = Int
The result is indeed Option[List[1: Int, 3: Int, 6: Int]]
This mechanism is very important to do type level computations, we’ll see later how, remember that to do this there is compile time overhead but also runtime, because we’ll have to instantiate a Printer
instance per cycle.